Monday, April 4, 2011


Hello, internet. I've all but disappeared the last few weeks but I'm slowly getting more of my time back. I was in an accident mid-February that destroyed my vehicle, but thankfully left me physically unscathed. Dealing with the aftermath of that has been a full-time job and I barely had time to breath.

(This is not my car. Just how my car must have felt.)

In other, funner news, I've come closer to completing the new line of bridal/evening flowers! I've been experimenting with different designs and I'm currently almost happy with the fifth prototype. I'm aiming for a May debut, so fingers crossed.

If you follow me on twitter (@OdodoOriginals) you may have seen the preview of the multi-layered showpiece flower that I posted way back when in January. It took more than 15 hrs(!!) to construct and I've been working on getting that time down. I love the idea of losing a day just beading and relaxing, but it's not very practical, no? More on that lovely piece soon.


1 comment:

  1. whoa! Really? Thank God you were not hurt! X_x Welcome back. Glad to hear you're working on new designs

